This year’s transmediale theme revolves around emotions, empathy, digital objects, and technology. I’ll be attending on behalf of The School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe.
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This year’s transmediale theme revolves around emotions, empathy, digital objects, and technology. I’ll be attending on behalf of The School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe.
To mark the launch of Mal, an online literary journal themed around sexuality and erotics, writers and poets Anne Boyer, Juliet Jacques, Saskia Vogel and Hannah Sullivan present readings of new essays, fiction and poetry on desire and its objects.
I’ll be attending 6 Degrees Berlin, through the support of my friend and colleague, June Chua. Speakers on the themes of immigration, global citizenship, art, protest and more include Berlin-resident artist an activist Ai Wei-Wei, former Governor General of Canada the Right Honourable Adreinne Clarkson, as well as speakers from the Gunda Werner Institut, award-winning author of The Reader Bernhard Schlink and more.