Spam Sando

A tinyletter that’s a little bit of everything


スパム サンド


What’s a Spam Sando?

It’s Japanese-English for Spam sandwich, because that’s a thing.

A Spam Sando is also a tinyletter newsletter. (The amazing Rachel Sato-Banks suggested it, so props & thanks!) What she didn’t know is that spam sandwiches are also a thing where I’m from, so it all ties together nicely. It’s bi-weekly (or as close to bi-weekly as I can get it), interdisciplinary, and about all the random topics one can expect I’m on about at any given time. It’ll also tell you what my wonderful friends are doing (because friends are proud of friends), and which events I’ll be hitting up or wish I were so you can go do it for me.
Think of it as a fresh combini sandwich for your inbox, every 2 weeks.

Sound yum? Sign up.